March 24, 2004

So... Hair...

I had to get a haircut today, I think it made me look worse. Anyway... maybe I should like grow it out to ridculas proportions? Like get hair so long that I had to wear it in a pony tail or something? Wait... I bet I'd look weird with a ponytail. Yep. Bad idea. Hmmmmm... I already know I look stupid bald... so what can I do about my hair? Like... to avoid having to ever do anything to it? Except showers. Showers are important. Oh! I have a great shower song.

Shaving Cream song!
Myyyyyyyyy Girlfriend she does not like me...
She does not like me one bit!
This I know cause when I stepped out of the shower...
I stepped... in a pile, of shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Shaving Cream! Shaving Cream!
Shave everyday and you'll always be clean,
Shaving Cream! Shaving Cream!
Shave everyday and you'll always look keen.

Now post your own verse! in the comments section!

Posted by Kickmyassman at March 24, 2004 05:23 PM

Ha, your blog is lovely. I used to know that friend Julia's father taught it to me. There was a verse that went something like this:
An old lady died in a bathtub
It was due to a terrible fit
And [something] her last dying wishes
She was buried in six feet of--
Shaving Cream! Shaving Cream!
Shave everyday and you'll always be clean,
Shaving Cream! Shaving Cream!
Shave everyday and you'll always look keen.

Posted by: Rebecca at March 25, 2004 08:48 PM
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