January 27, 2005

Getting better?

     Hullo everyone. I know, it's crazy! A POST AT A NON-CRAZY HOUR?! WHAT MADNESS IS THIS?! So anyway, I think I'm getting better at my doodling ability, but I also think I'm losing some readership due to recent crappy entries. Hoping to regain some people by posting something that's at least a tad witty and non-update related. Maybe I can even get some non-techie readers this way? Who knows! I do! And it won't! Woo! So now that I've gotten that out of the way, here's what's happening:
     So as you can guess from the previous paragraph and the title I've been doodling. I think I've improved considerably from this. So here's the doodle, please feel free to criticize in the comments as always (a quick sidenote being that all the blue ink are what Jack thought):

     Besides that? Not a whole lot. But in interest of interesting you, here's a song:

Posted by Kickmyassman at January 27, 2005 09:26 PM
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