February 04, 2005


     Well, I've started making updates to scuzzstuff again, and I think it may be time to move scuzzstuff on again to another server. This time I was thinking about Free Nuke Hosting, but I have to try out their free service before I give the pay service a try. They offer a lot of really awesome features though, and so I'm seriously considering the possibility of switching. The only thing is that apparently FNH does not allow any kind of music files of the servers. Not even my own composed midi files?! awwwwwww... As a side note, the only reason I've taken such an interest in updating my games site is because more and more people are playing, and I feel like I should update. Hell, I even caught a teacher playing on it! How awesome is that? I mean, not only does that mean the games site was so popular a kid got caught playing it, but that a teacher thought it was so cool, he played it too! Sweet.
     Two more pieces of awesome news before I log off:
     1) I just got a refurbished PS2 back from Sony. Now I can finally get back into the gaming market. I just have to pull together all my cords and cables which, with the lack of a central "unit" to be attached to, have gone on to better places. Bummer... in the meantime, I'll be playing all those games I kept buying despite the fact I knew my PS2 was busted. I still have to play through kingdom hearts, That game seems like it's pretty good, but I also kinda feel like it's defiling the good 'ol Disney name. Well, it's a solid RPG, and I'll finish it eventually. I think I also have to restart several PS1 games and actually finally beat them. FF7 and Metal Gear Solid. I think I should also go for Chrono Trigger on the SNES. I dunno. Gaming.
     2) I just bought what may be the most useful piece of SWF-based software EVER. It's called: URL Action Edit. You can check it out at http://www.buraks.com/uae. I give it high marks, but really, if you want to be good at figuring out what actions you should edit, you really do need some software to view the entire script and see the actions in context. They offer a product called Action Script Viewer, but it isn't nessecary. I already have my own software for viewing full action scripts, so I didn't need it. Anyway, that's about it. Ciao.

Posted by Kickmyassman at February 4, 2005 11:58 PM

Which teacher?

Posted by: Ben at February 5, 2005 09:05 PM

Kingdom Hearts is boring and repetitive, you will soon get bored of cutscenes that are cheesy, but cant be skipped. Trust me

Posted by: at February 7, 2005 05:12 PM
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