February 26, 2005

Marvelous Manga Mangled

Zippy the PinHead does good

     Besides that? Well... I reported a bug for firefox today. Issue with frames. And can anyone tell me (firefox users only) if there's an issue with the domokun video? The issue I get is that if I press "What the hell?" firefox crashes. I need some more test run by people who use later versions of windows and windows media player. I'd also like to know whether or not this glitch holds true for other mozilla based browsers and other media players. I know that IE can handle it, but does not properly unload the earlier videos (see the fighting the frizzies entries). All in all I'm using fucking bizzare javascript mixed with video plugins in the first place, but it should be able to handle it.... shouldn't it? Oh, and any issues with any of the video entries (loading OR unloading) should be reported in the entry. It'd be greatly appreciated if you'd include your browser and version of said browser, media player, and operating system. And a mini-description on what goes wrong. Thanks for any help!

Posted by Kickmyassman at February 26, 2005 11:27 PM

I don't have that problem.

Posted by: Louie at February 27, 2005 10:22 AM

On the contrary, IE and Windows crashed when I try the videos there, but Firefox played them excellently. I have a fairly recent version of WMP, if that helps.

Posted by: Eric at February 27, 2005 10:39 AM

Mine plays the video fine, but when I press "What the hell", Firefox crashes. I'm pretty sure that's what you asked.

Posted by: Sam at February 27, 2005 10:42 AM

Please post what version of windows (98, ME, 2000, XP Home, XP Pro), what video player comes up when you open the video (Windows media player, real player, quicktime... etc), and what version of said player (just go to the help menu in the play and Click about. That will give you a number, put it here). Also, please tell me louie if it loads AND unloads fine, not just loads.

Posted by: kit at February 27, 2005 11:33 AM

Everything works perfect in Linux (as usual ;-)). My specs:

Mozilla Firefox 1.0.1
MPlayerplug-in (unsure which verision)/ MPlayer 1.0pre5-3.4.1 (PLF Custom Version)
Mandrake Linux 10.1 Community - Custom Version (Kernel/Confs) by Cavalkaf

Posted by: Cavalkaf at February 27, 2005 10:22 PM
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