The response I got wasn't nearly as bad as I expected. Feel free to download whatever, but please do so only once per day!
So I've made some recordings of the festival. I forced them into high-quality mp3's, but they're still friggin' HUGE. So please, be gentle on my bandwidth and only download once by right-clicking and hitting "save target as" or "save link as" and then listening to it on your computer. If you download it once, wait until tomorrow to download it again. Maybe even wait until tomorrow to download the other group you're in? Thanks, and enjoy!!
Oh right-- side note: there is no commentary except for the chamber choir. Sorry.
A little sound check by me. Nothing with any groups in it.
Concert band song 1
Concert band song 2
Concert band song 3
Symphonic orchestra tune up (please don't download this for a while)
Symphonic orchestra -- all songs
Jazz Band -- all songs
A tiny intro to the choral groups by me
Treble Chorale -- song 1
Treble Chorale -- songs 2 and 3
Chamber Choir -- all songs and commentary