Yep, I just got to the point where staying up till 9 Alaska time (1 am Eastern time) isn't all that bad. And yes, now that I'm used to it, I'm ready to come home (not sunday you fools! MONDAY!!). The cool thing was that today, when I logged into my blog I saw this! There are more comments than entries! Huzza! Anyway, not too much exciting has happened here. We went to a weird resturant for breakfast, then went shopping for the day. I got presents for all my family except my Mom (I have no idea what she would want from here) and so I'm feeling pretty good. Oh! And I got this really cool duck... you know! The kind that dips into water than goes up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up...
and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up... and down... and up...
Posted by Kickmyassman at May 1, 2004 11:26 PMlet me correct you again, its huzzah not huzza. i wish i had comments. i have a 46:19 ratio of posts to comments. WIRELESS IS EVERYWHERE BZOO BZOO BZOO BLAM BLAM BLAM on a trip to the doctors i detected 37 networks, and on a ride on the bethesda 8 i detected 124 networks, including ones with SSIDs such as 1337 w0r1d, Team Turtle, and mejdhsnaquj. about 80 percent of them had no passwords and about 50 percent still had the default SSIDs. about 40 percent were linksys. gotta love peoples obliviousness.
oh! and ABC7 ACTION NEWS did a spot on "wirless hackers" and showed these two stereotypical nerds running around with laptops snort-laughing. they said that "hackers" can "steal your credit card information" and "destroy your hard drives" all wirelessly! now anyone with a laptop in public will instantly be harrased or looked at negatively! GREAT!
Posted by: the guy who isnt louie at May 2, 2004 11:23 PM