May 04, 2004

Whoa! I'm home?!

Hey! Look everyone! I'm HOME! HUZZA (It's way better than huzzah :-P )! Anyway, I have to make crap up... which blows. Yeah, mainly because I have to take a math test on material I don't remember. Yep. So... something interesting... to say... ummmmmmmmmm... well... there's a new sbemail. Which is nifty. Uhhhhhhhhhh... ummmmmm... Nothing interesting is happening right now...

Posted by Kickmyassman at May 4, 2004 12:15 PM

my comment is NO COMMENT

Posted by: louie at May 4, 2004 02:45 PM

Ouch, my voice is even worse than it was this afternoon. I think it's my brothers' fault. This doesn't have anything to do with your blog. This does: I liked your story thing on April 30. Well-written. I'm sleepy; using sentence fragments. Don't want to go to school tomorrow. Blech. *dies*

Posted by: Rebecca at May 5, 2004 07:50 PM

Oh, by the way, do you still need feedback on your website? Because I don't know anything about computers...but I can proofread and stuff...

Posted by: Rebecca again at May 5, 2004 07:56 PM
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