August 09, 2004

Well, birthday is done, let's see the damage.

Sup everybody, I finished my Birthday with minimal injury, and walked away with some pretty nifty gifts. Such as...
* The Lord of the Rings 1 special extended edition DVD
* The Lord of the Rings 2 special extended edition DVD
* The Lord of the Rings 3 not specially extended edition DVD
* A sonicare toothbrush
* A nifty 76000 in 1 gaming system complete with 2 controllers and a light gun thing
* The Big Labowski DVD
* A book of Dirty Jokes written in the 70s and therefore is horribly outdated
* The metropolis DVD
* and some other stuff which I'm not thinking about right now
Anyway, My birthday was fun, I went to dinner at the new Rio Grande and had waaay to many fajitas, then came home and played duck hunt with the nifty laser gun thing on my 76000 in 1 gaming maboober. I mowed the grass for like 3 hours cause my back lawn kept growing back as I mowed it (I thnk some of the grass actually snarled at me when I got to close), and then took a shower. I had fun trying to remember all the japanese I learned this year in drivers ed and I wrote some of the words down on the daily doodles. Yup, that's about all that's interesting that's happened. Oh, except I need to say that Louie was the final person to say Happy Birthday to me. Yup:

Meh, I like my noses more pointy than rounded
Angry Cow
Dog? Fox Thing? Meh, I couldn't remember "nu" in japanese... and why is he so light?!

Posted by Kickmyassman at August 9, 2004 11:44 PM

I am infinitely amused by the fact that you finally got the sonicare. Sounds like some good gifts, overall (I'm seeing Metropolis, whether you like it or not). Unfortunately, I can't really sympathize with the grass mowing. I'm sure that you remember why (in-jokes are fun). Your drawings made me feel a bit better about my Japanese. I managed to read all the letters, words and even knew "nu."

Oh yeah, I sort of need to know when you'd like to/can go to the theme park, so I can plan ahead. I probably should of just called you instead of saying it here, but then I would need something else to talk about.

Posted by: Bio at August 10, 2004 04:57 PM

yeah im belated

not bloated!

Posted by: louie at August 10, 2004 08:07 PM
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