So, I thought that today, I'd show you where I spend probably 19 out of the 24 hours in each day sitting working on crap that will probably never benefit anyone. So, here I go:
Here's the general idea of my "workspace." I flip back and forth between the computer on the right and the computer on the left, depending on what I'm working on.
I have the ability to plug up to 38 computers hardwired into my network.
This is where my computer cables get together and breed. They do this without notice and quite spontaneously they'll sunndely try a hostile takeover and go for computer-cable revolution... Oh yeah, and those are I-Openers if you were wondering.
"And that's why Kit can never leave his post..." --Brian
And the alcohol coin (note: duh it's not mine, I found it):
To thine own self be true. Unity Service Recovery. 3 months
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference
Posted by Kickmyassman at October 9, 2004 12:44 PM