March 07, 2005

In an attempt to cut down on front page media...

     Well, I would just post a tune for today and just be done with it, but I realized that my main page is really very media intensive right now. Not that this is necessarily a bad thing, but it does slow down load times quite a bit, especially for my 56k people. So today's entry is going to be rather hollow compared to other pointless days. Anyway, not much interesting to report has been up, and therefore I don't have much interesting to write about. I could write about avian flu and how I've been reading the essays from a researcher who's been studying it and how I saw this comming. But that'd take a really long time and it's getting late. So I'm just gonna leave you with this:
Bannana-cranberry muffins are delicious.

Posted by Kickmyassman at March 7, 2005 11:27 PM
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