October 24, 2004

Hey look! More dull, unoriginal people!

     So, if you came here about five minutes earilier, you probably noticed the spam on my site. Sadly enough it's the loser who called me a womanizer for playing Final Fantasy Tactics games. Yeah, he didn't try very hard today. He just described the porn he watches all the time and left. Then some other dude came in with him and described the TV he watches. Yeah, pretty much he-man porn and bad rap videos. Anyway, I didn't have to much of a plan for material today so here's yet another political video... hell, why not two political videos!

And for any people who feel like wreaking havoc on the spammer's bandwidth, here's their ip addresses: and

Posted by Kickmyassman at October 24, 2004 08:55 PM

Great videos!!!
We need more! MORE!! MOREEEE!!!!!!
(The more we make fun of Bush, the better.)

make sure to check out http://del.icio.us/Cavalkaf for some cool links.

Posted by: Felipe at October 24, 2004 09:07 PM
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